Tuesday 23 September 2014

Experimental Photography

Today we looked at four different techniques in the dark room. 

Double exposure printing
The Sabattie effect
Sandwich printing

During Double exposure printing I found that layering textures on top of a portrait worked well. As it turned a recognisable image into something abstract. I need to have thought more carefully about my photographs, as today we were just using pre taken photographs and matching them together. In the future, I should go out and take specific photographs that i know will go well together. 

While taking Portraits I realised that choosing a person with an interesting character was actually more important than the composition of the photograph. As I had chosen to photograph shop keepers, a few of them had been very posy, but those who seemed to be more uncomfortable having their photograph taken worked well, as this expression was clear.  

The Sabattie effect is a very interesting process. This one, took me longer to get the hang of it. Images with more detail, I found worked better. As photographs with large areas of negative space would produce ver dark, dull images. 

High contrast images worked really well with Sandwich printing. Lots of fine detail, show up well in these photographs and produce a more interesting image. In preparation for next time I use this technique, I will take photographs of nature, as the small repeated shapes of grass and and the fine detail of veins in leaves; I am sure will make some very interesting images.